KidsAfrik is building better futures through Art, Sport & Technology, in the US and Africa.
You can, too…

Africa is a continent rich in natural resources but, for a variety of reasons, We must try to use it resource and educate youth about Africa’s beauty. [Read more…]

KidsAfrik develop American and African youth to excel within the Beautiful Game. Soccer is our tool to encourage activity, to grow personally, to play
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Most Africans living abroad have strong emotional and metal ties to their homeland. Africans living in the U.S. often dream of returning
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We have now improved our scholarship program. KidsAfrik is making many programs available to families with financial hardship.
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KidsAfrik was founded to help children find value and economic stability using their god-given talents. Our focus is to provide a safe haven for these children to learn and grow using The Arts, Sports and Technology in addition to traditional, formal education as life-long tools for success. [Read more…]
Most Africans living abroad have strong emotional and metal ties to their homeland. Africans living in the U.S. often dream of returning home to give something to the people who are not as fortunate as they are. Africa is a continent rich in natural resources but, for a variety of reasons, is not yet [Read more…]
KidsAfrik embodies my dream of building better futures through Sport, Art, and Technology education in rural Africa and here in the United States.
I came to the US from Senegal in 1984 as a 16-year-old high school student. For the last 30 years, I have dreamt of going [Read more…]
In 2006, I traveled back to my home in Dakar, Senegal, to visit family and friends. As much as I enjoyed being home again it was heart-breaking to see that life had gotten worse in some areas of the country.
The future looked even more hopeless for the youth. [Read more…]